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Next General Assembly Thursday 2nd May 2024 - Polivalent, Murla - More Information

U3A Vall del Pop

This policy statement is underpinned by the U3A Vall del Pop Code of Conduct which applies to all members. The Grievance Procedure outlined in this document seeks to provide a mechanism to deal with these issues.

Initial informal approach

All U3A Vall del Pop members are expected to behave in a courteous and civilised manner in dealing with any issue that arises, and to seek to resolve the problem informally – where appropriate without compromising the U3A.

If either party is not happy with the above informal resolution, then the formal procedure below may be followed.

Formal Grievance Procedure

  1. A formal written complaint can be made by a member or other party by letter or email, directed to the President or Secretary, U3A Vall del Pop who will acknowledge receipt of same.

  2. In the first instance the Secretary will act as Grievance Officer and delegate responsibility, as appropriate through consultation with the President.

  3. A meeting will be organised between the Grievance Officer and the appropriate parties.

  4. The Grievance Officer, with reference to other parties, will make a direction as to the validity of the grievance.

  5. The Grievance Officer will report to the President and Committee on conclusion of the issue and the matter will be treated as confidential.

  6. The aggrieved party will be contacted by the President, verbally, written or email whichever is appropriate with the U3A’s decision on the grievance.

  7. The Grievance Officer and U3A Vall del Pop will keep written records of all formal grievance processes. The record will include the details of all actions taken to resolve or attempt to resolve the grievance or concern and the outcomes of these actions.

Upcoming Events

coffee-morning.jpgWed 24 Apr
Location: Don Quixote
general-assemblies.jpgThu 2 May
Location: Polivalent
peace-love-music.jpgSat 11 May
Location: Los Olivos
coffee-morning.jpgWed 15 May
Location: The Shack
general-assemblies.jpgThu 6 Jun
Location: Polivalent
bioparc.jpgWed 12 Jun
Location: Rastro Car Park

Latest News

On a boiling hot day more in keeping with July temperatures, the U3A Vall del Pop held its spring car boot sale on the rastro site in Jalon.
On Tuesday, 16th April 2024, thirty ladies from the U3A Vall Del Pop went to la Solana, Alcalali ...
This has been a very sad week for the U3A Vall del Pop and the local community as we said goodbye ...
On Monday 26th February 9 members of the U3A Vall del Pop Let’s Sing Together group visited ...
The U3A Vall del Pop Goodwill team is the fundraising arm of the U3A raising funds for local ...
Saturday afternoon, 20th January, saw 93 U3A Vall del Pop members and followers of the fantastic OK ...

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*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***