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Next General Assembly Thursday 2nd May 2024 - Polivalent, Murla - More Information

U3A Vall del Pop

These are the Roles and Responsibilities of members of the Committee.

Click on the Job Title to read.

Text in italics is extracted from the Constitution


Role and Responsibilities:

  • The offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer must be held by different persons.
  • President of the Association shall also be the President of the representative body.

The President shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. The management and legal representation of the Association, by delegation of the General Assembly and of the representative body. 
  2. Chairing and leading the discussions of the governing and representative bodies. The General Assembly shall be conducted by the President and the Secretary.
  3. Signing the notices convening the General Assembly and the meetings of the representative body. 
  4. Countersigning the minutes and resolutions drawn up by the Secretary of the Association.
  5. All such other duties as pertain to the office as well as those delegated to the President by the General Assembly.

  • The President, as a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • The President shall have a casting vote in the decisions of the representative body in the event of a deadlock.
  • The President shall record their signature for the current accounts or savings books opened at credit institutions.
  • The President shall receive formal written complaints from members or other parties who will acknowledge receipt of same. In the first instance, the Secretary will act as Grievance Officer and delegate responsibility, as appropriate through consultation with the President. Further actions are as provided in the Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy and Procedure.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the President, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • Provide leadership and planning for the U3A.
  • Represent the U3A to other U3A bodies and other organisations.
  • Support the Secretary in the preparation of Agendas for Committee and General Assembly (including the AGM)
  • Induct new Committee members and support existing committee members so they understand fully their roles and responsibilities and monitor their adherence.
  • Monitor the implementation of Committee decisions.
  • Organise with the Groups Co-ordinator, two meetings each year among Group Leaders, President, Treasurer and other Committee members.
  • Organise with the Group Coordinators an annual Thank You Meal for Committee, Group Leaders etc
  • Take appropriate action to provide optimum assurance that there will be nominations for Committee positions in the U3A and that there are plans for succession.
  • The President, together with the Treasurer, will complete an annual review to assess the extent of the cover and costs for all insurance policies for Association assets, public and other liabilities.
  • Proof read and oversee the content of the monthly newsletter. Vice President – to deputise in absence of President


Role and Responsibilities:

  • The President shall be replaced in the event of absence or illness by the Vice-President.
  • The Vice-President, as a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Vice-President, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.
  • The Vice-President shall record their signature for the current accounts or savings books opened at credit institutions

  • Assist the President to induct new Committee members so they understand fully their roles and responsibilities and monitor their adherence.
  • Assist the President to monitor the implementation of Committee decisions.
  • Assist the President to take appropriate action to provide optimum assurance that there will be nominations for Committee positions in the U3A and that there are plans for succession.
  • Provide the first avenue of advice and consultation within the Committee.
  • Coordinate the activities of the “Meet & Greet Team” at General Assemblies to ensure visitors and new members are met and looked after.
  • Prepare signing-in sheets for General Assemblies and provide statistics to the Committee

 Speaker Programme

  • Prepare a programme of speakers for general assemblies for a rolling twelve-month period.
  • Make initial contact with speakers by telephone or email. Subsequently, send a confirmation email or letter with the date, venue, title of talk, time, equipment required, fee agreed, parking and contact details including mobile number.
  • Contact speaker two weeks prior to the meeting to confirm audio-visual and other equipment requirements.
  • Obtain a cheque (if required) prior to the meeting from the Treasurer in to pay the speaker.
  • Confirm that the President/ Vice President is available to give a vote of thanks at the end of the presentation and present a gift (if applicable).
  • Where possible, introduce the speaker to the President before the start of the General Assembly.
  • Within a few days of the meeting send a letter of appreciation (or email or telephone).


Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer must be held by different persons.
  • The Secretary shall be in charge of the documentation of the Association, shall draw up and sign the minutes of the governing and representative bodies, shall prepare and certify any certificates required to be issued.
  • The Secretary shall draw up and sign the minutes of the General Assemblies and Meetings of The Committee, The Secretary shall ensure that the Register of Members for the governing body and The Committee is maintained.
  • The Secretary shall record their signature for the current accounts or savings books opened at credit institutions.
  • The Secretary shall give Notice of the Annual General Meeting, both ordinary and extraordinary, at least twenty-one days in advance. The notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting, as well as the agenda.
  • The Annual general assemblies shall be conducted by the President and the Secretary. The Secretary shall draw up the Minutes of each meeting, which shall contain an extract of the proceedings, the text of the resolutions adopted and the numerical outcome of the voting. At the beginning of each meeting the Minutes of the previous meeting shall be read out for approval or otherwise.
  • The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in the Minutes by the Secretary. At the commencement of each meeting the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read out for approval or correction.
  • The Secretary, as a member of the Committee is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • The Secretary shall receive formal written complaints from members or other parties who will acknowledge receipt of same. In the first instance, the Secretary will act as Grievance Officer and delegate responsibility, as appropriate through consultation with the President. Further actions are as provided in the Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy and Procedure.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Secretary, as a member of the General Assembly and the Committee shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  1. Together with the President, the Secretary will prepare the agenda for Committee Meetings and general assemblies (including AGM) and circulate.
  2. The Secretary shall assist the President to ensure that the Committee conducts its business lawfully, and that the Association’s Constitution, Code of Conduct, and other prescribed requirements are adhered to at Committee Meetings and General Assemblies including the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary Meetings..
  3. The Secretary shall ensure that meeting papers are properly prepared and administer the Committee’s paperwork.
  4. The Secretary shall keep and maintain the Association’s legal documents.
  5. The Secretary shall ensure Data Protection legislation is maintained and followed.
  6. In consultation with the President, book accommodation for general assemblies and Committee meetings (year ahead).
  7. Receive correspondence, action or refer to the next Committee meeting


Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer must be held by different persons.
  • The Treasurer, as a member of the representative body is required to attend all of the meetings convened by the Association but may excuse his/hers attendance on justified grounds and where applicable the Assistant Treasurer to cover in his/her absence.
  • The Treasurer shall be responsible for the custody and control of the funds of the Association, as well as for drawing up the budget, the balance sheet and the statement of accounts for submittal to the representative body, as provided in Art. 17 of the Constitution.
  • The Treasurer shall keep a Cash Ledger and shall sign the receipts, subscriptions and other cash documents.
  • The Treasurer shall pay the invoices approved by the representative body, which must be previously countersigned by the President or other bodies approved and appointed to countersign in his/her absence (i.e. Assistant Treasurer or Secretary).
  • The Treasurer to provide the representative body with a signed mutually agreed handover/takeover balance between the parties concerned, in the event of a midterm change of Treasurer or at his/her resignation as Treasurer at the AGM.
  • The Treasurer is to ensure funds shall be drawn upon in the manner determined in Constitution Art. 25 - Withdrawal of Funds
  • The Treasurer shall record their signature for the current accounts or savings books opened at credit institutions.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Treasurer, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • The Treasurer, together with the President, will complete an annual review to assess the extent of the cover and costs for all Professional Services for the Web Site Maintenance and associated costs, the “Association Assets” (including Groups), Public Liability Insurance and any other liabilities.
  • Liaise with the External Auditor to facilitate checking of annual accounts.
  • Retain accounts records for the statutory period.
  • Retain copies of all minutes of meetings for inspection by the External Auditor.
  • Report to the Committee regarding all financial affairs.
  • Maintain the financial oversight of the Central Account, the “Travel, Culture, Entertainment” (TCET), the Cinema Group and the “Goodwill Team” (No 2 account) with the assistance of the Assistant Treasurer where applicable.
  • Present a yearly audited set of accounts to the members for their approval at the AGM or at the next General Assembly.
  • Advise the Committee when an External Audit is required.
  • The Treasurer will hold all insurance policies for the Association assets, public and other liabilities and monitor insurance renewals.

 Assistant Treasurer

  • To assist and deputise for the Treasurer as necessary, assuming the functions and responsibilities applicable to the role.
  • To manage and be a signatory to the Bank Account for the Cinema Group and provide quarterly bank statement updates.
  • To pay the Licence fee applicable for the Cinema Group on an annual basis
  • To manage and be a signatory to the Bank Account for the Goodwill Team and to provide bank statement updates as requested.
  • To oversee and be a signatory to the TCET account in conjunction with the TCET representative
  • To be a signatory to the main account

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The Group Co-ordinators, as members of the representative body are required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Group Co-ordinators, as members of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.
  • The Group Co-ordinators shall maintain an overview of all group activities and provide administrative and general support to Group Leaders together with guidance, counsel and advice when requested.
  • Book group venues when requested.
  • Organise, with the President, a “Thank you Meal” each year among Group Leaders, President Treasurer and other Committee members and General helpers.
  • At least bi-annually, canvass the Group Leaders (by email) as to whether they wish to participate in Open-Day (Showcase Event) or similar activity.
  • Liaise with Membership Secretary on the following:
    • Send a personalised welcome email from the GROUP CO-ORDINATOR(S) on behalf of the Committee to all new members
    • Obtain a list of new members on a monthly basis
    • Obtain information on interests expressed by new members and take appropriate action
  • Encourage the formation of new Groups. Follow-up on requests for new groups; advertise for a Group Leader when a particular expertise is needed.
  • Receive, review and progress requests for new Groups.
  • Induct prospective new Group Leaders and assist in establish new Groups. Ensure all new Group Leaders confirm acceptance of the “Guidance for Group Leaders” and that subsequent revisions are acknowledge by the Group Leaders.
  • Receive and review the applications for Group Funding and present recommendations to the Committee.
  • Maintain an up to date Groups listing and liaise with the Web Administrator and the Web Publishers to maintain the Groups Webpage.
  • Periodically together with the Treasurer Maintain a record of Group Assets and amend/update as required.
  • Annually, after 31st March all group leaders should ask to see up to date membership cards of members of their group
  • Liaise with Group Leaders to encourage the promotion of group activities with other U3a members via Newsletter, website and external publicity.
  • Provide information on Groups at the monthly General Assembly and provide joining forms for new interest Groups.
  • Report to the Committee on the progress and development of Groups.

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The Membership Secretary, as a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Membership Secretary, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • Promote new membership and induct new members;
  • Maintain the membership database;
  • Maintain files of completed application forms;
  • Monitor membership information in line with Data Protection requirements
  • Organise the printing of membership cards and receipt books;
  • Inform members of dates for membership renewal and satellite meetings;
  • Annually, issue new membership cards to paid up members;
  • Collect membership fees and forward to the Treasurer;
  • Report to the Committee on statistics for membership;
  • Supply information to Groups to confirm membership;
  • Supply membership numbers/contact information to TCET to assist with their activities;
  • Supply the Group’ Co-ordinators with the paper records to track the potential for interest in current and new groups


Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The TCET Representative is a signatory for withdrawal of funds from the “Travel Group Account”.
  • The TCET Representative, as a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the TCET Representative, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • Lead a team to explore avenues of extending U3A travel, culture and entertainment.
  • Hold regular planning meetings.
  • Distribute a monthly TCET bulletin.
  • Provide updates for U3A website.
  • Review booking procedure on a regular basis
  • Maintain all financial records and supporting documentation for yearly external audit.
  • Report at Committee meetings.
  • Ensure each team member is familiar with the current checklist of items to be attended to in the Event File.


Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The Publicity Officer, if a member of the representative body, is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Publicity Officer, if a member of the governing and representative bodies, shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • Liaise with the media on a regular basis.
  • Log all published items.
  • Maintain contact with Newsletter Editor and Web Master.
  • Encourage members to submit interesting and newsworthy articles.
  • Report at Committee meetings.
  • Gather information from members who are celebrating special events etc.


Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The Web administrator , if a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Web Administrator, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions.

  • Liaise with external web design company to ensure appropriate updating/maintenance of the website
  • Liaise with Committee members & external web company on future changes to the website.
  • Maintain contact with Newsletter Editor, Publicity Officer and other Approved Publishers.
  • Monitor web content and membership information in line with the Data Protection legislation
  • Keep up to date email distribution lists and send out electronic newsletters and other communications.
  • Give training when appropriate to committee members/new committee members
  • Report at Committee meetings..

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • The Newsletter Editor, if a member of the representative body is required to attend all the meetings convened but may excuse their attendance on justified grounds.
  • In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Newsletter Editor, as a member of the governing and representative bodies shall be liable to the Association, the members and third parties for any damage caused and any indebtedness incurred as a result of malicious, culpable or negligent actions..

  • Receive all items for the Newsletter.
  • Edit items as necessary.
  • Maintain contact with Web Administrator and Publicity Officer.
  • Liaise with members on the date of publication.
  • Work with Newsletter team to produce monthly Newsletter.
  • Report at Committee meetings.


Upcoming Events

coffee-morning.jpgWed 24 Apr
Location: Don Quixote
general-assemblies.jpgThu 2 May
Location: Polivalent
peace-love-music.jpgSat 11 May
Location: Los Olivos
coffee-morning.jpgWed 15 May
Location: The Shack
general-assemblies.jpgThu 6 Jun
Location: Polivalent
bioparc.jpgWed 12 Jun
Location: Rastro Car Park

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