The worst thing you can be in the face of fire or flood is unprepared! It risks you and your family's lives! Being prepared is so simple. Here are a few ideas for you to think about (especially with the fire season nearly upon us!)

Firstly get yourself a strong box/es or suitcase/s:

Before I move on to contents of an Evac-Pack lets think about people and pets!

  1. PEOPLE: First and foremost make a plan for getting out of the house - are the exits blocked with items you could fall over in the dark, should the electric go out? Is there a torch handy to shine in the event of a power cut? Make sure everyone knows the plan and what their individual roles are.
  2. PETS: Keep pet carriers and leashes readily available to lead pets to safety/get them into vehicles.


  1. EMERGENCY FOOD/WATER: Snacks for the kids, formula for babies, bottle/s of water, pet food and pet treats (You may have to use them to calm pets down)
  2. PHOTOS: Put all the negatives, CD's or pen drives of photos in the pack. If there are any special photo albums, put them in too. Or in this day of the digital cloud store them there.
  3. PAPERS: Consider a bank deposit box and put all your important papers in there, just keeping copies at home. If you don't have a bank deposit box put all your important papers in the Evac-Pack: Insurance policies, Birth and Marriage certificates, I.D./Residencia copies, Passports (or copies), pet passports/documents, house deeds, rental contracts, pension details, health cards/document (or copies), copies of your bank/credit cards, contracts, guarantees, in fact ANY documents you just know would be an absolute nightmare to replace!
  4. PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES: Don't forget to take your medications with you. Don't forget the ones that have to be refrigerated like insulin. If you have spare medication put them in the Evac-Pack. (remember to lookat the "use by" date every so often and replace them if necessary!)
  5. MONEY: The Evac-Pack is where you would keep an emergency amount of money. You may not be able to use an ATM in the event of a power outage.
  6. PETROL/DIESEL: If you can make sure your car always has half a tank of fuel. Evacuation routes could be bumper to bumper traffic. Having a tank at least half filled will keep you less stressed. Also consider having a small amount of cash.
  7. ADDRESS/PHONE BOOK: If you don't have the important addresses/phone numbers stored on your phone then use an address book and keep it in your Evac-Pack.
  8. CHARGERS: Keep them handy to throw in the Evac-Pack at the last minutes! Chargers for phones, tablets, laptops etc. If nothing else they will occupy your kids to play with them if they are evacuated to a community centre etc!
  9. EMERGENCY CLOTHES: According to the weather conditions put a change of clothes in the Evac-Pack. If you have babies remember nappies! Remember to grab your children's favourite blanket, stuffed animal or toy. A game or a deck of cards would be handy in the Evac-Pack to help keep kids occupied and calm too.
  10. AN OLD CALENDAR: Handy to have stashed then you won't forget those important dates! Birthdays, anniversaries etc. These items may be in your phone but if you battery runs down then you can't get to them.
  11. BATTERY POWERED RADIO: Worth considering! Tune it into a local radio station which you know is likely to have emergency bulletins.
  12. PHOTOS OR VIDEO OF YOUR HOUSE AND CONTENTS: Insurance companies are asking for proof of your belongings and the contents of your property when they are processing a claim. Something we are unlikely to be able to prove unless we have the written or photographic evidence.
  13. PATIENCE: This is one of the most important things to pack. Keep it inside of you so that you have a clear calm head. Having your Evac-Pack prepared will help you keep patient. In the event of an evacuation there will be lots of displaced people. Being patient will make things less stressful. Your children need to see you calm and collected. This will help keep them calm too.
  14. FINALLY: If your property is in real danger of being damaged by fire and you have gas tanks and a pool, throw the tanks into the water before evacuating.

REMEMBER! We can fly in the face of danger and emergency if we are prepared. Don't wait to prepare your Evac-Pack until you are being asked to evacuate!