The Friendship and Support team (formerly known as the Sharing and Caring team) are a team of u3a member volunteers who give their time, expertise, knowledge and, above all, friendship to support the members of our u3a requiring guidance, support and companionship through any challenging time in their lives. They offer a listening ear to any members in confidence and provide practical help and support.
To ensure we can support as many members as possible going forward, new team members are welcomed with experience in any of the following:
Administration and technical support, Healthcare, Social Care, Therapy and Well-being or being a natural nurturer who likes helping others.
If you would like to find out more the team would love to hear from you by clicking on the button below
The team has a presence at our monthly General Assemblies and attend our monthly coffee mornings. They also arrange visits to care home facilities for those who are interested.
We have collated an Information hub of useful information for members which is found in this section.
Printed versions are also available. Please feel free to request a copy.