Dear Members,
I am amazed by how quickly my first year as president has passed! I have enjoyed the challenge and will always be grateful for the support I have received from the other committee members and from so many members who help and support in different ways.
Those of you who were able to attend the March General Assembly and AGM will have heard my formal report for the year, which will also appear in the minutes of the AGM. In brief, I reiterated my comment at last year’s AGM that our Association was in a strong position and that my aim therefore was to build on these strengths, with no need for any radical changes.
I went on to mention some of the actions we have taken through the year, including the refresh of the website, production of our first Friendship & Support information booklet, our new leaflets and the decision to increase the annual membership fee, which should further strengthen our financial position going forward.
I said that we could all be proud of the achievements of our Goodwill team, which raised a record sum of close to Euros 13,000. A personal highlight was collecting all the bicycles that you kindly donated for Valencia. It was good to be doing something physical to help those in need and our Ford people carrier proved invaluable. Along the way Paula and I got to know some of our members for the first time, which was an added bonus!
Looking ahead our Travel & Entertainment and Goodwill teams have planned some wonderful events and trips for us all to enjoy in the coming year. The chance to do things together with like-minded people, whether in ouractivity groups or on trips and at events, is why many of us join the u3a. I look forward very much to getting to know more of you as the year unfolds.
With best wishes to you all.