
General Assembly

Thursday 07 December 2023, 09:30am

Note that the doors will be open slightly earlier at 9:30.

We have lots going on, so you can't afford to miss this assembly.

Can we ask you to bring along a plate of food to share with everyone and maybe one or two items for the Caritas Appeal. ( Not Food).

We will be offering you the usual refreshments on arrival , but Cava or Bucks Fizz with your plate. What a great way to start the day.

I do hope that you have started making your Christmas Hats.

It's lovely to see so many ideas

Download Minutes of the previous General Assembly

Programme for the Christmas General Assembly

Bill White entertaining us on the keyboard

Special Prize Draw tickets will be available 1€

10:30 President's Welcome and Formal part of the Assembly
Reports from Treasurer, Group Coordinator,
Membership Secretary & TCET

10:45 Christmas Songs for everyone to join in.  Let’s Sing Together Group. Song sheets provided.

11:00 Food available, Water available. Special Prize Draw. ( Not raffle tickets)

11: 20 Name that Tune. Organised by Paul

11:35. Closet Too Quiz.. Organised by Teresa.

11: 50 Special Member's performance, with Bill White

12:00 Christmas Hat / Christmas Cake Competition.

12:15 Reading Pam Ayres Sandra.

12:25 Raffle with Father Christmas

12:40 Results of Name that Tune and Closet Too . Prizes awarded by Father Christmas.

12:50 Charity Donations to be announced and presented at the AGM

13:00 U3A Anthem Time to say Goodbye with Feliz Navidad  and We wish you a Merry Christmas.

Also we will have available both the TCET and Goodwill Tables with a Day trip to Valencia, OK Band Picnic Afternoon and a Call My Bluff Evening with Wine and Cheese.

Don't forget your Christmas hats, sweaters and any other seasonal decorations.

Of course will we have lots of Christmas tunes for you to sing along with, so come prepared.

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Location : Polivalent

Parking is available in the car park, which is signposted, and in adjacent roads.
PLEASE NOTE: The Ayuntamiento has requested that nobody park on the main road.


• Follow CV731 to Orba, through Benidoleig.
• Continue through Orba and turn left at the Masymas junction, zeroing your tripometer.
• At the next roundabout, take the second exit, sign posted Parcent and BENIDORM.
• Pass the Gasorba petrol station (1.5kms) and continue up over the hill.
• Pass the Nou Portet restaurant (3.5kms) and at the next junction turn right, signposted Murla and Benigembla.
• Follow this winding road for 1.6kms, and you will find the Polivalent, a large grey and white building on the left, approximately 100m past the Murla signpost.

• At the bridge coming out of Jalon, zero your tripometer
• @ 2.0km, turn left, T-junction signposted Parcent
• Take the first right, with CastellVi Restaurant on the right.
• Follow the road over the hills, and at the T-junction @ 4.2km, turn right, signposted Orba.
• @ 4.7km, turn left, signposted Murla and Benigembla - the bus garage is opposite the junction.
• Follow that winding road to Murla.
• @ 6.3km, you have reached the Polivalent in Murla. It is a large grey and white building on the left, approximately 100m past the Murla signpost.