
Just My Imagination - The Temptations

Sunday 16 November 2025, 06:30pm
Contact Sonia Higginson
Location : Tot Util

Tot Util is next to the Xalo petrol station

Join  your u3a Vall del Pop to see this extravaganza.  It promises to be an amazing show.

Direct from the West End of London

A show featuring music from The Temptations

To book your place, tickets will be on sale at the monthly GA's (from April onwards), also at our monthly coffee mornings or by contacting Sonia using the form below.

Choice of fish & chips or pie

€54 pp

includes entrance, meal and coach.

The coach will leave Tot Util, Xalo at 6.30pm.

Parking round the corner opposite the vets, next to My Supermarket.

7 + 6 =