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The purpose of the U3A is to encourage lifelong learning and enable people no longer in full time employment to share their knowledge, skills, interests and experiences.

The U3A is open to everyone in the community. No qualifications are necessary, nor are any awarded.

The U3A offers learning activities in small groups which reflect members' wishes and aims to cover a very wide range of subjects; educational, recreational, cultural, physical and social.

The U3A enhances our lives, enables us to make new friends and to continue learning in a mutually supportive environment. The group leaders come from within the membership and are people who feel confident to share their own past experiences and expertise.

If you are interested to know more about some of the groups' activities, take a look at our current and past newsletters. There you will find lots of interesting reports and write ups; from flower arranging to walking, book reviews to photography, and much much more. Or simply come and join us at the next General Assembly.

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