U3A Vall del Pop Charity Fundraising Team ( The Goodwill Team) operates to organise events in order to raise funds for Charities nominated by U3A members.
Our Constitution does not allow Membership Funds to be used for charitable purposes and with this in mind, all fundraising events are voluntary, leaving U3a members to decide if they wish to participate or not.
For 2021 three charities were selected to receive funds. The monies will be distributed at the March 2022 AGM.
Fundraising for 2022 will continue within Covid-19 guidelines.
Reports will be given during the year in the Newsletter and below
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 30th October 2023
Funds held in the Goodwill Account stand at 8019.76€
2023 fund raising has been extremely successful and the team have worked really hard to raise funds for local charities and at every General Assembly members have been offered a taster of food which included Scones, Sausage Rolls and Sausage Babs, All of these have been extremely popular. Pre Loved stall goes from strength to strength.
The team organised entertainment including a Bingo & Quiz Evening, 60/ 70 Themed Garden Party, a show by Steve Marks singing popular Neil Diamond tunes and a recent very successful Car Boot Sale.
Like last year the funds will go to four local charities and three others, yet to be decided. These will be announced at the Christmas General Assembly and presented at the 2024 AGM. At this meeting we have a special raffle with the prize donated by one of the members. We also have organised a Christmas Wreath Making Demo, which we know will be very popular.
Plans are going ahead for next year, and any ideas are welcome.
Donations have also been received from the book stall and refreshments.
Thank you so much for your support and generosity.
A retention fund will be made as a contingency for any tax liability.
30th October 2023
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 22nd June 2023
Funds held in the Goodwill Account stand at 4621.09€
2022/23 fund raising has been extremely successful and the team introduced a Pre Loved Table held at every General Assembly. Members were delighted to have the opportunity to buy a few gifts. The team worked extremely hard and every General Assembly members have been offered a taster of food which included Scones, Sausage Rolls and Sausage Babs All of these have been extremely popular raising over 120€ each time.
The team organised entertainment from the OK Band and 20/20 Band, A Cheese and Wine Evening, Bingo & Quiz Evening and a show by Steve Marks singing popular Elvis and Tom Jones tunes.
At the March AGM 6 charities from the local area received donations of 800€. This included Jalon Valley Help, Paws, Benissa Children’s Home, Jalon Valley Arc. Alzheimer’ Centre in Benissa and Caring for Cats.
A donation of food was also given to the Bomberos who worked tirelessly through out the hot summer months keeping us safe.
Volunteers from the charities attended and informed the members how the funds had been spent ranging from animal food, keep fit sessions, a computer and monitor, and special gifts for the children in the Benissa home.
Thank you for all your support.
A retention fund will be made as a contingency for any tax liability
23rd June 2023
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 31st May 2022
Funds held, either in bank account, or by U3A Committee member pending banking
Euros 1482€
2022 Fund raising continued in the form of raffles, sausage roll sales and cream teas,.A big thank you to members who supported the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations raising just over 200€ from the raffle.
There will be a number of other events and activities through out the year, before we ask members to select charities to whom we will distribute the funds.
Funds were distributed to the following charities at the AGM:
Jalon Valley Arc - Make a Smile - Help of Marina Alta.
Volunteers from the charities attended the General Assembly before cheques for 400€ was presented to each charity.
Thank you for your support.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any tax liabilities.
31st May 2022
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 30th November 2021 (Q3) year end
Funds held, either in bank account, or by U3A Committee member pending banking
Euros 1076.60
2021 Fund raising continued in the form of raffles.
The main U3A committee devised a realistic method of choosing charities to receive funds and selection was made at the December General Assembly, with monies to be distributed at the March 2022 AGM.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any tax liabilities.
9th December 2021
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 31st August 2021 (to include 2nd September funds raised)(Q3)
Funds held Euros 886.60 ( Held in Bank Account)
Fund raising has been possible in the form of raffles, held at coffee mornings, the Xalo Night Market and at the EGM held on 2nd September.
No decision on which charities will receive any funds which are collected during 2021. Anyone entering a raffle is made aware of this position.
All monies raised will be held in the bank account until such time as a method for members to select charities has been identified.
It is hoped that, with the resumption of General Assemblies from October 2021, a way of making a decision may be identified later in 2021, with the possible distribution of funds at the AGM in 2022.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any tax liabilities.
23rd September 2021
REPORT ON GOODWILL TEAM Financial position as at 31st May 2021(Q2)
Funds held Euros 659.14 ( Held in Bank Account)
Fund raising has been possible in the form of raffles, held at coffee mornings and at a Flower Arranging Demonstration
No decision on which charities will receive any funds which are collected during 2021. Anyone entering a raffle is made aware of this position.
All monies raised will be held in the bank account until such time as a method for members to select charities has been identified. It is not envisaged that this will be until the end of 2021 or during 2022.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any tax liabilities.
31st May 2021
Funds held Euros 464.16
Of which Euros 82.20 held in cash, remaining monies banked.
Limited fundraising took place due to Covid-19 restrictions However donations from U3A members from cancelled TCET trips, or for other reasons enabled a small amount of money to be raised.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any 2019 or 2020 tax liabilities.
1st March 2021
Funds held Euros 209.86
Of which Euros 15.90 held in cash, remaining monies banked.
Limited fund raising took place during October and November due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Distributions of Euros 125 were made to each of the following charities:
SCAN; Cancer Care of Javea ; Franciscan Men’s Hostel.
A retention of funds will be made as a contingency for any 2019 or 2020 tax liabilities.
28th December 2020
Funds held Euros 488.86
Of which Euros 15.90 held in cash, remaining monies either banked or awaiting banking.
Further fund raising will take place during October and November with end of financial year set at 30/11/2020
Currently arrangements are in hand for U3A members to vote during October and November with their choices for distribution of funds to nominated charities during December. Three remaining charities are being proposed. S.C.A.N; Cancer Care of Javea; Franciscan Men’s Hostal.
A retention of Euros 150.00 will be made as a contingency for any 2019 tax liabilities.
2nd October 2020
Period April - March 2020
Bank Balance as of 29th June 2020 - €79.96
Funds Held, still to be banked - €191.36
From which, provision is being made for a potential 2019 tax liability, currently €150.00 allowed
June 2020
Period December 2019 - March 2020
Bank Balance as of 5th March 2020 - Euros 835.96
Funds Held, still to be banked - Euros 106.10
6th March 2020
Final Report up to 30/11/2019 (agreed as end of financial year for the Goodwill Group)
Net Total Raised for 2019 Euros 1548.78
Approved distribution of Euros 1600 to be made in December to selected charities
Euros 1515 was withdrawn from the bank to make above donations to selected charities
Euros 85 cash was retained from funds held to make above donations to selected charities
The balance in the bank at the end of the financial year was 32.89 Euros
Cash held (not banked) 0.89 Euros.
4th December 2019
This is the penultimate report for 2019 to let U3A members know how the Charity Fundraising is progressing. Our final report will be issued in December. The Fundraising team now has 7 members. This information is also on the U3A Website.
September & October General Assembly Further funds raised from sale of Refreshments.
Total Raised to date for 2019 - €1650
The remaining Fund raising event for 2019 will be the Christmas Raffle at the General Assembly on 5th December.
Watch for further news early in 2020
Remember, the choice of Charities will reflect the nominations made by members. All nominations are now being counted and allocation of funds to Charities will be made at the end of the year and presented at the December General Assembly.
Fundraising is being carried out as the result of specific requests by members with all donations entirely voluntary and kept completely separate from Membership Funds.
6th October 2019
U3A 2019 Charity Fundraising Update
Organised by the Goodwill Team
With the Summer break from the end of June, this report covers the period from May to August 2019 to let U3a members know how the Charity Fundraising is progressing. This information will also be in the September Newsletter.
Fundraising is being carried out as the result of specific requests by members with all donations entirely voluntary and kept completely separate from Membership Funds.
As at end of March Euros 700 had been raised
Between May and August :
- Sales of Tea and coffee at U3a General assembles Euros 104.50
- Flower Raffle on 2nd May Euros 141.00
- Treasure Hunt 28th May Euros 200.00
- Hog Roast 31st May Euros 200.00
- Sale of Sugarcraft Cake 6th June Euros 174.00
- Less expenses to date ( Euros 88.20)
Monies banked to date Euros 1260.00
Still to be banked Euros 269.90 ( pending changing as much to notes as possible)
Total Raised to date for 2019 EUROS 1529.90
A Beetle Drive/meal to be held during October. A raffle at the Christmas U3a Meeting
Remember, the choice of Charities will reflect the nominations made by members. If you have not yet filled in a nomination please do so at a monthly General Assembly or by using the contact form below. All nominations will be counted and allocation of funds to Charities will be made at the end of the year.
Q2 - 3 Update 2019
Funds as of 31st March 2019
Total Euros 700 made up of Voluntary Donations Euros 282
Valentine Day cake sale Euros 185
Easter Raffle Euros 233
Terms of Reference
Role/Purpose of the Goodwill Team
To be the fund raising arm of the U3A Vall del Pop to support local charities and organisations through the holding of a variety of events and fund raising opportunities both within U3A meetings and externally.
To support, primarily, registered charities within the Vall del Pop and local surrounding areas and subsequently other charities and organisations as approved by Goodwill team and members. This may be in the form of goods, services or cash as deemed appropriate by the team.
To promote the U3A within the local community by participating in local events and supporting local charities and organisations
To organise fund raising events for the enjoyment of U3A members and to provide members, where appropriate, with complimentary tokens of appreciation for their support
To work closely with other U3A teams eg TCET to complement activities
The team will consist of a chairperson and members committed to delivering the purpose of the Goodwill team on an ongoing basis.
Roles and responsibilities
To plan, organise and support fundraising activities as part of the team and contribute to delivery
To communicate with and foster good relationships with U3A members, other teams, local organisations and charities to promote activities and purpose
To attend meetings as required to effectively plan and deliver team objectives
To share tasks and responsibilities amongst all team members
Decisions and approvals to be made by consensus where possible. Chairperson to have final approval if necessary.
To report to U3A members total sums raised and provide clarity of to whom and how funds are shared amongst charitable recipients.
Provide clarity of funds raised and expenditure to Treasurer/auditor
Terms of reference may be amended, varied or modified after consultation and agreement by team members.
August 2023.