Despite the terrible weather a full house of members attended the May General Assembly at the Polivalent in Murla last Thursday, 5th May, for a packed programme of events. When we arrived we saw the excellent display of paintings from the Art Group, with various themes and some multi-coloured paintings.
I read on Facebook that March 2022 was the coldest and wettest in recorded history in Spain. I can well believe it, and I know for a fact that it was by far the worse March since we moved to Spain in 2006. Despite the weather we actually managed three walks.
Despite our best laid plans, for a speaker to encourage us to get out into our garden, covid strikes and Derek Lindley’s talk had to be cancelled until later in the year. The Easter celebratory theme however was retained with Bill White starting the entertainment by giving us a range of popular tunes on his keyboard as we assembled.
At this time of year our committee are always busy planning new events for our enjoyment through the summer and autumn. This year there is an additional urgency for us all - to provide support to those refugees from Ukraine who have just arrived in our community. As you will have seen on the TV they have had to leave everything, other than a few items they have been able to carry.
U3A Vall del Pop used the occasion of the Annual General Meeting, on Thursday 3rd March at the Polivalent Murla, to make donations to four local charities. From their fundraising throughout 2021 the Goodwill Team gave euro 400 to each of three local charities, which had been selected by the members at the Christmas GA.
Time flies, when we are having fun, and here I am reporting about our Ladies At Lunch group again.