Leader/Contact Carmen
Contact Details
Location Pensionistas, Xaló
Day/Time Thursdays 11.30 - 12.30
How Often Weekly

Learn Spanish (Intermediate)

€7.50 per person, per class,
paid monthly in advance please.

Intermediate group

3.30 pm – 5.00 pm with Carmen.
Improvers, who have a basic understanding, and wish to be more confident when speaking and listening.

Carmen provides weekly 'homework' by e-mail to each group member, which is followed up in the next class. This ensures people don't miss out if they are unable to attend any class.

It is important that everyone makes every effort to attend each class - it isn't a "drop in when you feel like it" situation, but a commitment to the group and to Carmen.

We need to have a minimum of 6 people in the class to make it viable.

For further information contact the Group Leader

Contact Group Leader

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*** Please be aware that you take part in any of our activities AT YOUR OWN RISK ***