The Sharing and Caring Team is now holding regular “Once-a-Month” coffee/tea mornings on the second Friday of each month.
A full house of members at our Murla General Assembly on 7th November took the opportunity of wishing our President, Bob Welham, a happy 70th Birthday with a rousing chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’.
On Saturday evening, 19th October, the U3A Vall del Pop arranged dinner and entertainment for some seventy diners at Pepe’s restaurant in Alcalali - with The Entertainers [U3A group] performing their ‘History of Pop Music’- what a magical evening it was.
This is the penultimate report for 2019 to let U3A members know how the Charity Fundraising is progressing. Our final report will be issued in December. The Fundraising team now has 7 members. This information is also on the U3A Website.
The Sharing and Caring Team (formerly Almoner’s) are planning a “Once-a-Month” coffee/tea morning on the second Friday of each month. The venue is the Memory Lane Café in Jalon/Xalo, the first one is planned for the 13th September and we’ll be there from 11.00a.m. – 1.00pm. For the price of 3 euros, a drink and a piece of cake will be included. (The café is almost next to the Xabia Bike Shop next door to the new car park with the sails for shade).
David led us through the last in the series of his excellent talks and he will be going ‘back to basics’ in the autumn. The collapse of the New Kingdom was caused by a whole series of events — famine, climate change and earthquakes which brought about the demise of other civilisations, Mycenaean Greece, the Hittite empire and the Babylonians. The Trojan War didn’t help, and Egypt was ‘invaded’ by a large number of people from across land and sea, which were known as the Sea Peoples. As they brought their wives and children with them, it was more a migration from their own lands than an actual invasion. This was followed by civil unrest in Thebes, with the tomb workers going on strike - the first ever recorded in history!