On Friday 18th January, some 37 happy members of the Vall del Pop U3A made their way to Benidorm where we were to stay the night at the splendid Palm Beach Hotel.
All the Committee positions are up for renewal in March.
Nominations must be received by 21st February.
Our President, Bob Welham, took the opportunity at the start of our first general assembly of 2019 to allow the U3A Vall del Pop members to give the wholehearted congratulations to, our fellow member, Elaine Horton on her New Year ‘s Honour award of an MBE. It is a thoroughly welldeserved recognition of Elaine’s dedication to Jalon Valley Help, of which she is the President.
Our first speaker of 2019 was David Shute, who is now retired and living in Calpe, who came to share with us some of the highlights of his career as a News Reporter with the BBC. David was born in Essex but managed to develop, what in the 1950/60s was known as perfect BBC English – as he explained clear pronunciation was what the BBC required, even if it was delivered with a regional dialect.
So, the new year is with us and its time for us to start planning and getting ready for the challenges this will bring, whether we want them or not [Brexit]! So why not join a group, meet new people and experience new challenges.
This group has gone from strength to strength under the careful tutelage of Peter Tomlin. He decided that in 2019, he would step down as leader, but continue as part of the group for our many Field Trips, and the group are very grateful for all the advice and encouragement he has given to us.